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Kleenmist Safeclean Sanitiser Spray 12x500ml & 1x500ml


Kleenmist Safeclean sanitiser spray kills more than 99.99% and inhibits the growth of bacteria and viruses

12 x 500ml bottles & 1x500ml


Kleenmist Safeclean sanitiser spray kills more than 99.99% and inhibits the growth of bacteria and viruses (including enveloped viruses such as the coronavirus) on a variety of surfaces with a single coating, which is perfect for high touch points such as handles, handrails, doors, tables and desks.

It is safe to use on any surface, on skin and is alcohol free, meaning that there is no drying or irritation to the skin.

Active biocides provide a longer lasting protection than alcohol-based preparations.

It does not stain, is non-corrosive, and will give a streak and smear-free finish to most polished surfaces, including glass and stainless steel (we recommend you test the product on all surfaces before using).

Kleenmist Safeclean is certifed to BS EN 1276 and 14476 for chemical disinfectants, which provides proof of efficacy in the control of harmful bacteria and viruses. To meet the standard, products must denature 99.999% within five minutes.

12 x 500ml bottles & 1x500ml

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12x500ml, 1x500ml